I tend to lose sight of how lucky I am when I'm confronted with difficult situations and difficult people. Those things tend to make me lose sight and focus of the beautiful things that are present in my life. I'm slowly learning the art and beauty of detachment. That is something that I've had difficulty doing especially since I'm such a sentimental person. Being unattached to things is so freeing.
I've now learned, that disapointment, the dissolution of relationships and not getting exactly what I want are all breakthroughs in the making. I am now consciously and maturely embracing that fact. All of those things have been necessary for my growth as a person and for self acceptance. I'm more peaceful and happy because of it. It has become much more clear when I shift my attention and energy of the good things in my life.
In the past three years I've been through a major mental shift about a lot of things. Since I've given birth I've had my own rebirth. I am no longer attached to the things and ideas that I once held onto so tightly. I see moments and time as fleeting and I cherish the now. Being present is so powerful and so important for peace. Nothing more than being a mom puts that notion into perspective. In the past few years I've had to let go of some relationships. It was sad and disappointing. But I've had to step back and see them for what they are. There's no longer an expectation for them just an acceptance that they'll be what they will and I'm okay with that.
Life is very simple. If people love you they'll make it clear and there will be no confusion. If people are invested in you they will make the effort. If people are there for you they will just show up. Yes life gets busy, we all get busy sometimes. But if perfect strangers can reach out and show compassion when it's needed, it's clear that some things are all a matter of motivation. In all scenarios if there's no motivation there's no effort. We can't be disappointed understanding this concept fully. My mom always says to look at what's right in front of you. Don't look for what you want to see but look at is actually there.
I'm grateful for disappointment, missed opportunities, failed relationships. I say this because those things pointed me in the direction of things in my life that were constant and things that really mattered. Letting go of things and ideas that I thought defined me has been my greatest discovery. I can now pause whe things go wrong to reflect on the things in my life that make life beautiful and meaningful.


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