Mary Ellen Britton T-Shirt (1855–1925)

Mary Ellen Britton's wore many hats. She was a teacher, a journalist, an activist, a suffragists and a physician.
She taught in segregated public schools in Kentucky in the late 1800s. During her time teaching was one of the few occupations open to women regardless of their race.
She wrote articles criticising Jim Crow laws enacted in the late 1800s. She was the first black woman in Lexington Kentucky to become a doctor in the early 1900s. She was very passionate about improving the lives of African Americans post slavery and the lives of all women.
I'd never heard of Mary E. Britton's before but her story is a remarkable one. My little blurb does her no justice at all! There are so many more things that this amazing woman has contributed to America. Go read everything and anything you can about her. She's pretty bad ass.
The quote on the t-shirt is a Michelle Obama quote.

You can find this t-shirt and other cool things at my friend's Etsy store. Click to go Etsy store.


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