Pregnancy Means Crying Because Your New Kitten Is Sleeping on the Counter

Pregnancy what a beautiful and emotional time for a woman.  I'm fortunate that I haven't has any dramatic mood swings or any misery since I became pregnant.  The only exception is the exhaustion, nausea, food aversions of the first trimester.  Other than that I'd say that I'm a genuinely happy pregnant lady.  Except for the moments when I'm crying inconsolably because Negan killed Glen on The Walking Dead, or watching The Midwives or because my new kitten Master P is sleeping on the counter.  Just the sight of the little guy sleeping on the bathroom counter brought me to tears. I don't know what came over me, well I do know, pregnancy hormones but I wasn't expecting such a strong reaction.
Not the bathroom counter but he like MY bed
Let me add a little background to the story.  So, my better half and I decided to go out looking for a timed feeder for our cat Storm but ended up coming home with an adopted kitten from the Human Society instead. We just assumed since we thought Pluto (the new kitten) was cute and we loved him instantaneously so would our cat Storm. It completely escaped us that cat are sometimes assholes who cannot be reasoned with. Needless to say that Storm was not pleased with our new family member. Her hissing, shrieking and growls gave us a clue.  Just as the sight of Master P sleeping on the counter overwhelmed me, the two of us were caught off guard by Storm's ferocity.
She's the most playful loving cat that I've ever know. Well next to our old cat Boss who was super mellow she comes a close second.  Boss was the cat who made me love and appreciate cats. He was a cool Tabby who respected your space and checked on you when you were hung over. He was the best. When Storm was introduced to Boss, he'd hiss a little but that was the extent of his aggression. The only time he was mean was when he sat on her as a kitten.  To be fair she tried to suckle him, I don't think she clued in that he was a boy. But that was the extent of his aggression to his new housemate. We'd integrated a new cat into our home so naturally it would be a piece of cake. Nope. As I mentioned before cats are assholes, cute territorial little assholes.
It's been a challenging time trying to get Storm to warm up to the new kitten.  She probably been the most vicious I've seen her ever. I know she feels threatened and is frustrated at this change.  But I'm frustrated too. I'm worried she'll hurt Master P and I worry that she feels unsafe in her castle. She shouldn't she's lived a cozy pampered life, a jokingly call her the Duchess of Diamond for her regal sphinx like poses around the house.  She is an animal and they express their fear with aggression. However, as a mom to be I'm nervous that if this is how she responds to another cat, I wonder how will she respond to the baby? Will she be receptive or aggressive? Just as we brought Master P home, we will never know until the baby arrives.
It would break my heart if she's aggressive but as a mom I know my duty is to keep my child safe, no negotiations. For now Storm and Master P are kept in separate rooms and I'm doing my best to accommodate the two of them. I feel guilty that he has to stay in a separate room and then be let out to play and frolic in the absence of Storm.  I feel sad that Storm moves around cautiously in her own home. I just wish my cat kids would get along! I supposed I cried when I saw Master P sleeping on the counter I felt helpless and frustrated. I grew up with a pet rabbit and fish. I'm not  a cat wrangler. But all I can do is be patient and wait it out. Maybe my emotions bubbling up were because I subconsciously thought if I can't wrangle cats how am I going to deal with multiple kids? How will I manage with a newborn who needs me and a temper mental cat?

Although it's not her fault, her emotions are purely animal and fear based but I'm feeling resentful toward my cat. That's the truth. Being pregnant doesn't help me temper my emotions very well either. I just have a laissez-faire attitude with her. I just let her be and don't force her to do anything she doesn't want.  But at the same time I don't want a pet that runs the household. What does one do? I had moment's this week where as an adult I just wanted my mom.  I can't do wine but I can do Chapman's French vanilla ice cream to ease my tears. I don't doubt that until I figure it out there will be a lot more tears in between.


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