Negative People Will Drag You Down Don't Give Them What They Want

I know that people can be unreasonable, terrible and sometimes emotionally exhausting.  But there are moments when you come a across a person who just crosses lines you'd never even fathom. I'm not perfect by any means but there are just limits to what I would do to deal with a negative person in my life. I have always said that the worst thing I could do to a person is leave them or just cut them out of my life.  Evil is a word I could use to describe my most recent encounter and then I realize it's much more complicated than that.  I feel bad that I allowed negativity to momentarily consume me.
Some people are so far deep and invested in their misery that the concept of happiness makes them uncomfortable.  It's a weak person's way to lash out and be a vile human being because it's easy.  It's so hard (trust me I know) to be gracious to miserable people. I must admit that sometimes I want to be just as vindictive but then I know I'd get dragged in to that darkness. My father always would say to me, "my dear daughter even if you don't like something always be civil." These words keep me ground and give me strength not to be a jerk.

I also keep in mind the words of Oscar Wilde, "It's absurd to divide people into good or bad.  People are either charming or tedious." That helps me put things into perspective. Some people waste good energy and potential on useless battles while others focus on the good things in life. I'm human and sometimes I want to cuss people out and put them in their place, and I have before but I never feel better or vindicated. Instead I replay in my mind other ways I could have dealt with the situation.  The most important thing I realize that is that my reaction, my attention and energy is what rewards that negative person.  It's better to deny them what they want. The best response would be to neutralize the situation. The best advice I got was to be like Michelle Obama, "when they go low we go high." Being a mature adult is not for the faint at heart.I've learned forgiveness doesn't mean sitting down and having tea with a person who has wronged you. I just don't allow them to occupy anymore space in my life or my head. I keep them out of sight and out of mind. This has always worked well for me. I no longer feel guilt or any obligation to someone even if they are a family member or a family friend.  If someone lacks respect or any remorse for treating you badly never feel bad for cutting their toxic behaviour out of your life. You don't need negativity or negative people in your life.

Remember at the end of the day it's not you sitting in the darkness.  Instead be too busy and surrounded by the light and love in your life. There's no need for malice because negative people are already in a cold lonely dark place. If you feed into to their bullshit they will drag you down and consume you with their pain.  After all misery loves company.


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