My dear beloved Chubby Cherub.  As you peacefully sleep I pour my heart into words. Your beautiful and expressive brown eyes tell me so many stories.  They fill me with wonder, excitement and hope for the future.

As I mopped around house lamenting my unkempt hair and a new body that I was coming to terms with I felt ashamed.  I was ashamed not because I felt unattractive but because I had a sobering moment of clarity. At that moment of self loathing I wasn't an example of the self love that I want to teach you.

You see my dear daughter, my intent is to teach you to love yourself unconditionally in a world which  will sometimes let you know that your beauty isn't enough.  That you, as perfect as you are, aren't enough.

I'm embarrassed that I allowed a false voice to lead me to an empty, dark place of ingratitude and self pity. The truth is I am blessed. I'm blessed by your presence in my life.  How can I possibly teach you how beautiful you are if I don't think that of myself?

I am your mirror and you are my reflection, the most beautiful reflection of me.  I once fell prey to the vanity of youth and the false idolization of admirers that loved my body. They loved this vessel but never really loved the woman trapped inside the vessel.

Then you came along and showed me true love, pure love. You came to teach me that my body is a temple.  Rather not a thing to be worshiped but a sacred place of wonder because it housed and gave birth to a Goddess.

You see my Chubby Cherub, I love you more than words can explain.  There aren't enough words in any language to capture how I feel. Never forget your intrinsic beauty and the sublime immeasurable gifts within you.

I promise to remind you of them everyday and to remind myself that the best way to teach you is to lead by example.  Love yourself deeply and unapologetically because you're a beautiful reminder of the good things in this world.


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