What does one do for a first father's day celebration? Go to a vintage car show of course. I was tasked with the challenge of creating a memorable first father's day.  Now my love isn't a gift person as he would say, "I could just buy it for myself". So, I had to make sure my gift was something that money couldn't buy and at the same time memorable. Thanks to my brother-in-law for pointing me to the direction of this show put on by Celebration Church in Edmonton. Needless to say that it was a great experience looking at these gorgeous vintage and muscle cars. I would say the day was perfect. The weather was great, we chatted with some nice people and of course there were all these beautiful throwback cars to admire.  The best thing to get for a person who isn't into gifts is what I like to call "an experience gift". Hope all the awesome dad's out there had an amazing Father's Day.


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