What's In a Wedding Planning Book Part 1

You're engaged! Congratulations! Now what? So you've decided to plan your own wedding and you need some help.  Good news, you are not alone. I decided to plan my own wedding and I admit in the beginning it seem overwhelming.  I just wanted to elope.  No seriously, eloping seemed like the best thing to do.  But me and my fiancé would have some family members who would not be pleased.  So all you newly engaged ladies and gents I've got some help.  Keep in mind anything you see online or anything I may suggest should be used as a guideline.  Always do what makes you happy and not what you think you're supposed to do!  But most of all have fun planning.

Canadian Brides Check out theses links below:


Wedding Budget Calculator


Download the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that does all of the calculations for you :)


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